UM100 - USB mobile SMS messenger/Call Recorder
UM100 provides an easier solution to send and receive text messages for enterprises.

USB mobile SMS messenger/Call Recorder UM100
UM100 provides an easier solution to send and receive text messages for enterprises. With UM100,you can send messages to multiple people simultaneously, and to write messages more quickly and comfortably. Send and receive SMS through own PC program instead of network platform uploading, enable to avoid private information abused. Allows PC to make calls thru UM100, each will be recorded with detail information.
PC dialing :
Allows PC to make calls thru UM100, each will be recorded with detail information.
Call recording :
UM100 is able to send SMS, supports to record all call conversations on demand.
Information security :
Allows send SMS from computer directly, no need to upload SMS content or contact list to network platform. Avoids Private information abused
Export CDR to Excel report :
Exports call details includes date, time, phone number, Call type and duration to excel file.
Phonebook / Pop-up window :
Incoming call brings pop window of caller ID with contact information by initial configuration
Send/Receive SMS :
Programmed to send/Receive followed SMS, ii.e. Scheduled/instant SMS, group SMS and Bulk SMS
Complete detail of Call and SMS :
UM100 records call details includes :
-Call Type
-Caller ID / Dialed number
-Call duration
Import outlook address book
Supports to import outlook address book in UM100
Scheduled/Instant SMS
Enable to send instant or scheduled SMS automatically
PC Call communication
Allows PC to make or answer calls thru UM100.
HDD capacity management
Enable to indicate the remaining space of PC and generate alert in case space is insufficient.
Email recordings
Send certain of recording details or SMS to colleagues by email